welcome to

๐Ÿ Safe Technology Swansea ๐Ÿ

First Public Meeting

Brynmill Community Centre, St Alban's Rd, Brynmill, Swansea, SA2 0BP

Sunday 27th October 2019 11am-1pm.

Speaker on digital dependency. Professor Phil Reed.

Professor Phil Reed holds a Chair in the Department of Psychology at Swansea University. Phil has very broad interests including: Learning and Memory, Autism and Educational Interventions, and Psychology and Medicine including Internet Addiction.

TECH ADDICTION - The roll-out of 5G, the Internet of Things (IOT), and SMART society will increase our tech saturation exponentially, SMART tech is being touted as some kind of โ€˜solutionโ€™ to our whole planetary crisis. People with care needs, for example are being left with a robot for โ€œcompanyโ€.

Yet after a decade or so of smart devices being at our disposal 24/7, the results are showing up in illness, depression and addiction. Health professionals working in the community are reporting high and increasing levels of tech addiction among children. One professional said this is in every family she visits, and that isnโ€™t surprising considering the way itโ€™s sold as unquestionably good.

โ€œCall of Dutyโ€ manufacturers say their game has been played for 25 billion total hours. That adds up to 2.85 million years, longer than the course of human existence.

DOPAMINE - Our brains can easily become addicted to the dopamine release associated with playing games, getting likes etc., Dopamine is usually released into the brainโ€™s pleasure centre to reward activities with biological functions such as eating and pro- creation; activities that come with effort and delay. But drugs and addictive behaviours provide a shortcut, flooding the system with dopamine without serving any biological function. Video game playing is estimated to increase brain dopamine levels to the same level as sex. So even very young children playing with technology are experiencing massive waves of dopamine. Not just once but continuously.

This disturbs natural functions... leading to sleep deprivation - which in turn leads to depression, aggression and even violence: addiction leads to more radiation exposure and vice versa.

DEVELOPMENT - We are valuing the benefits of gaming, i.e. quick analytical skills, hand- eye coordination and improved reflexes, over other necessary areas of child development: communication skills, social bonding, capacity to recognise emotions of self and others and self-control.

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As a group we support safe technology. We oppose proven dangerous technology. We support progress and know that we can provide all the benefits of the digital age via fibre optics. This is safer, far more secure, longer lasting, more reliable and in the long term makes much more sense economically.

This public meeting is to discuss how best to protect all inhabitants of the Swansea area from proven unsafe technology including 5G and looking at the problem of technology addiction. - This meeting isnโ€™t to explain the dangers of 5G and other dangers of wireless radio frequency radiation as there are hundreds scientists, doctors and weapons experts from all over the world already successfully doing that. This scientifically demonstrated damage has been recorded in 100โ€™s of peer reviewed publications worldwide. See emfscientist.org

๐Ÿ We know about the serious biological harm to all forms of life.

We know that in humans children, pregnant women, vulnerable elderly and people with autoimmune issues are the most at risk. See PHIREmedical.org

๐Ÿ We know that 5G is an environmental disaster.The carbon footprint of our present wi-fi use is already equivalent to the whole of the aviation industry combined and 5G will need exponentially more. A 5G enabled devise require 3 times the energy of a 4G enabled devise. Masts will need to be deployed every 100-300 meters in towns and 400,000 super high masts are being erected in the country side. There will be no escape even for people diagnosed with hyper electromagnetic sensitivity.

๐Ÿ We know that pollinators are affected by RF induced biological damage. Many dead bees are already being found around 5G masts. See newsvoice.se/2019/05/5g-question-olle-johansson/

๐Ÿ We know that the ICNIRP safety levels that are being cynically used by Public Health England and deferred to by Public Health Wales have been completely discredited and do not protect any living organism from non-thermal RF effects: www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/reveh.2016.31.issue-4/reveh-2016-0060/ reveh-2016-0060.pdf

๐Ÿ We know that there has been no informed consultation or consent and that central government and local government have been instructed to allow the technology companies free reign to erect 5G masts wherever they want even irrespective of local authorities raising any health concerns. See 5GAppeal.eu

๐Ÿ We know that millions of mature trees have been felled and will continue to be felled to make way for 5G pulsed high frequency radiation.