welcome to
🐝 Safe Technology Swansea 🐝
14 April 2020:
The lockdown has forced us to abandon our mission to go out, talk to members of the public in and around Swansea centre, and get signatures from concerned people.
So, we gathered all the ones we had and sent them to Rob Stewart and Phil Roberts at 4:51pm today.
You can read the letter we sent them, and check all the signatures here.
27 February 2020:
Here is a copy of the Notice of Liability we have sent to all elected representatives of City and County of Swansea.
We also sent this Press Release to a few contact we have in the media.
27 October 2019:
THANKS to all who attended the first public meeting of Safe Technology Swansea on 27th October at Brynmill Community Centre.
It was a very good crowd and everybody was already very well informed allowing us to really get into plans for action.
Thanks also to our speaker Phil Reed whose presentation on digital dependency was very interesting and accessible. With his permission we will shortly post a video of his talk for the benefit of others. Please do direct people to the video when spreading the word.
The next meeting at Brynmill Comunity Centre will be on Sunday 24th November from 11.00 - 1.00. We will be discussing and planning actions.
We will have a newsletter coming out very soon and it will be emailed to all those who signed up for it.
The Swansea paper petition and follow on sheets, together with Word documents with blank spaces for other Welsh towns and cities can all be found here. Let's get these out there as fast as possible.
We will also be putting up an online peititon with a link that you can pass on even if you don't have the paper ones handy.
